A Full (Moon) Finish

 On the night of the full moon (in Libra), I’m meditating on what it means that believers across the globe are also honoring Good Friday. In both instances it is a time of letting go and a time of hope that grows from the release. So, this first sermon, “It Is Finished”, almost had me laid out in awe at how freeing and powerful that letting go, that release, that finishing of things can be. I’m convinced that as God guides me to the next stage of life, I’m being reminded with love and warning that the things that had me bound before are finished. That life of self doubt is finished. That life of fear is finished. That habit of making myself a human sacrifice (as if I didn’t personally believe that Jesus paid it all so that I don’t have to), it is finished. That thing where I’ve tried to live much smaller than who I am? It is finished. The word and the world and the heavens are in agreement.
