A Call to Worship on 9/11
Remembering God and Remembering Each Other on Today
God be a fortress and a comforter for your people.
Sometimes we escape, sometimes you protect,
Sometimes we rely on your comfort in the midst of destruction.
We travel a world of uncertainty, where we can lose our footing, our faith, and sometimes ourselves.
Lord, help us not lose sight of each other or of you.
God, we seek your strength to rebuild our communities, our lives, and ourselves.
Grant us the courage to remain open to transformative possibilities in the wake of devastation.
We are often seized by hopelessness, fear, and despair.
When we cannot see the path to safety,
Hold us in your loving arms and show us your way.
We offer eternal thanks for all the ways that you abide with us.
Healer, comforter, deliverer, protector, miracle worker;
You are the God of benevolence, Christ of redemption, the Spirit of peace.